Interstate Passport

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Interested in transferring with fewer obstacles while saving time and money and most importantly - your credits? Ask your academic advisor about Interstate Passport and how you can earn a Passport which offers:

  • An early milestone of completion on the way to a credential.
  • Advance knowledge that lower-division general education learning will be recognized upon transfer to another Network-member institution.
  • The potential for faster time to degree, lower cost, less debt, and lower foregone earnings from unduplicated learning.
  • A streamlined transfer process and a greater likelihood of successful transfer and completion

Salish Kootenai College participates in the Interstate Passport Network, a network of regionally-accredited institutions that agree to transfer completed general education requirements as a block in a seamless and efficient process among its members. Students who transfer into Salish Kootenai College with a Passport from another Network-member institution will not have to repeat or take additional courses to satisfy lower-division general education requirements. Earning a Passport recognizes that a student has achieved learning outcomes in the following nine knowledge and skill areas, which all Network member institutions agree are consistent with their own general education learning outcomes:

Foundational Skills: oral communication, written communication, quantitative literacy

Knowledge of Concepts: natural sciences, human cultures, creative expression, human society and the individual

Cross-cutting Skills: critical thinking and teamwork/value systems.

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Other Schools Participating in Interstate Passport

If you are interested in learning more about SKC's Interstate Passport, contact our admissions team.

Apply now and enjoy a unique educational experience that blends Western academic knowledge with Native American perspectives and practices. Benefit from smaller class sizes, personalized attention, and opportunities for hands-on learning and research. Join a supportive community that values cultural diversity and academic excellence, and prepare for a successful career and leadership role in your community. Apply today and start your journey towards a brighter future at SKC!